[Gllug] Editors

Tom Gilbert tom at linuxbrit.co.uk
Sun Jul 29 22:54:52 UTC 2001

* David Freeman (freemadi at yahoo.co.uk) wrote:
> > Please do, go ahead - here is the key to my encrypted partition on
> > which
> > you will find a few letters to my girlfriend, a picture of britney I
> > don't want her seeing, and absolutely no child pron whatsoever, have
> > a
> > nice day :)
> Would you take objection to me asking for a copy of the output of ls
> -al on directory /home/gilbertt/public_html/uberprOn/ ? [1]

Nice try :)

(gilbertt at ws:www)$ ls -al /home/gilbertt/public_html/uberprOn/
ls: /home/gilbertt/public_html/uberprOn/: No such file or directory

But no cigar :)

I guess you got that from the old uberpr0n page on my site (long gone
now) which was simply a bunch of pictures of people like Nell McAndrew,
Jeri Ryan and Gail Porter, all fully clad and highly tasteful I might
add ;-)

The real reason it isn't there any more is more to do with most of it
being the property of FHM than anything else [1] =D

[1] Not that they asked or anything, I just didn't like having their
stuff on my site and I couldn't be arsed to ask them if it was ok :)

   .^.    .-------------------------------------------------------.
   /V\    | Tom Gilbert, London, England | http://linuxbrit.co.uk |
 /(   )\  | Open Source/UNIX consultant  | tom at linuxbrit.co.uk    |
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