[Gllug] KDE or Gnome

Dave Cridland dave at cridland.net
Tue Jul 10 12:53:53 UTC 2001

On 10 Jul 2001 11:03:28 +0100, john.hearns at framestore.co.uk wrote:
> Nathan Matthews wrote:
> > 
> > I've been looking with interest at the recent KDE developments.  Javascript
> > with konqueror, CSS, kparts etc, but I haven't been keeping up to date with
> > the gnome developments.  Whats new in gnome and whats peoples personal
> > experience with the two desktops?  I dont want to start a religous flame war
> > but am genuinely interested to know if its worth going to the trouble of
> > switching to gnome.
> I've taken to using the Ximian desktop on my machine at work.
> I own up to quite liking it - the software update channels are, IMHO,
> very useful for a company environment.
> Simply click on the System/Get Software menu item, and it goes off to
> get a list of availabel updates. Works through a proxy fine too.
> Evolution shows a lot of promise as an email/idary/contacts manager
> etc., though I own up to not using it very much.

This email comes to you via Evolution - I'm getting to grips with it
now, and I have to say, it's a really nice email client. Very few
complaints with it, so far. Okay, so I haven't found a way to look at
all the headers, and I always liked the way EXMH handled that, but the
organisational powers of Evolution are very much easier to use - I
really like the VFolders.

I use - in common with nearly everyone, it seems - Ximian's GNOME
distribution, although for me it's on RedHat 7.1. It's stable,
everything seems to work, and it comes with everything I need for work -
which, of course, isn't much. I've yet to try out Gnumeric and AbiWord
in anger, yet, although both appear to be able to read in Microsoft

I'm not qualified to make comparisons between GNOME and KDE, though -
I've never really used KDE at all. Seems like there's quite a bit of
good software available for both, but GNOME spoftware happens to fit my
requirements so far.

Incidentally, I actually upgrade RedHat's GNOME to Ximian's for no other
real reason than Red Carpet, which I find the easiest way of keeping
software updated I've ever found. Nice that RedCarpet actually gives me
the updates for whichever version of RH I'm using, as well as supporting
Debian et al as well.


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