: [Gllug] content

David Irvine co2cool at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 30 23:20:27 UTC 2001

> On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 02:48:26AM +0100, Simon Bunker wrote:
> >[multiple virtual desktops]
> > Can anyone thing of a useful task for them or is it just yet another
> > gimmick?
> About 2 years ago I would have said yes.  I was doing a lot of webdev,
> using a lot of terminals.  At this point I used to use 3 virtual
> desktops, the first for an editor and random xterms showing manpages.
> The middle for doing personal stuff - email, irc, and non-work
> browsing, and the third for a browser and log-tailing windows.
> Then I moved onto a dual-headed system and used one desktop, on the
> left were a few terms, on the right browsers, with log windows
> somewhere in the middle.
> Then I was luck enough to have some non-webdev work for a while, and
> ended up using the framebuffer and screen, with fbi for when I needed
> to peruse pr0n.

I'm also finding now that i'm using framebuffer rather than vga console
font, i use text terminals a lot more for editing and man paging and then
switch to X for viewing using mozilla. I like the benefit of having more
screen space as i find taskbars and panel take up a lot of the viewing

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