[Gllug] Gates, self proclaimed father of open-source

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Fri Nov 9 18:04:08 UTC 2001

Paul Brazier(pbrazier at cosmos-uk.co.uk)@Fri, Nov 09, 2001 at 04:38:08PM -0000:
> > yeah, but Bill and Melinda(?) do give shed loads of cash to worthwhile
> > causes, and its not all in windows license tax write offs.  i 
> > do have a
> > level of respect for the man, as he doesnt take *every* opportunity to
> > let people know how much of a nice guy he really is.
> Not sure if this is sarcasm or not, but it's easy to be generous when
> you're filthy rich.
> It's like someone stealing 50 pounds off you then expecting your
> gratitude when they give you 1 pound back.
> This quite apart from the fact that I'm sure there's a sound financial
> reason behind every donation.

actually, it wasnt sarcasm, for once.

yeah, but it's the fact they dont make a big song and dance about it
that i find the most fascinating.  Still, it's better for the rest of
the world that they dont just hoard it.  it'd be even better if things
were shared out a little more equally tho...


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