[Gllug] Nothing Simple

Bruce Richardson itsbruce at uklinux.net
Wed Oct 31 15:14:15 UTC 2001

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 10/31/01, 2:29:49 PM, "Jackson, Harry" <HJackson at colt-telecom.com> wrote 
regarding [Gllug] Nothing Simple:

> I am going to demonstrate RH7.2 here at work but I have use switchdesk to
> move between Gnome and KDE now all I get when I start startx is is X with
> nothing on it what have I done and how can I fix this one. I also noticed
> after installing StarOffice while in KDE switching to Gnome I can no 
> find it. Forgive all the crap question but I am trying my best to do the
> Linux advocate bit and failing miserably ;0

Hurm.  X config/init scripts are not something Red Hat do well, IMO.  
Right mess.  At one point I got annoyed enough to write a summary of 
startx on Red Hat (and how it *should* work) and you can find it on my 
old website:


It's for Red Hat 5.x but nothing much changed in 6.x or 7.0



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