[Gllug] Fight! Fight! Fight!

Bruce Richardson itsbruce at uklinux.net
Thu Oct 11 15:39:10 UTC 2001

On 10/11/01, 3:52:13 PM, "John Hearns" <john.hearns at framestore.co.uk> wrote 
regarding [Gllug] Fight! Fight! Fight!:

> Fight after school at 4pm behind the bike sheds.

> Cue Rocky theme tune....

> http://www.cw360.com/article&rd=&i=&ard=106646&fv=1

So Mr Schofield shows his ignorance again.  All the old stupidities, 
starting with the myth that Windows is easy to install (repeat after me 
"Most Windows users encounter it pre-installed and would make a complete 
mess if they tried installing it themselves").  As for lack of desktop 
progress, someone show him a KDe desktop (warning: you will have to prise 
his eyes open to force him to look at it).  Man's a moron.  Mind you, 
Guardian Online seems to be waking up despite him: 



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