[Gllug] Hiring servers - uk2.net [ADVERT!]

Jake Jellinek jj at positive-internet.com
Wed Sep 26 15:32:38 UTC 2001


(Advert warning!)

I think we offer one of the best value services of this kind, and support
second to none really. But then I would say that I suppose.

What we've tried to do us offer something similar but better than a RAQ
server (webmin front end for easy admin for example) but with better
hardware, better support and much more flexibility (ssh access expected, not
frowned upon!) and (at the risk of really pissing people off and sounding
like an advert) we even give you remote access to your own power outlet, so
you don't even have to ask us if you want to power cycle the machine.

The trouble with co-location (which we don't actually offer) is that you end
up much more "on your own" and there are problems when something goes wrong
and you need to arrange to visit the machine and swap hardware etc. The
managed solution is nice because we will swap out any hardware that's
needed, we have people around 24/7 and we have all the usual caboodle that
you'd expect (Redbus also) and we set up most of the system as we'd expect
you'd want it to start with, which can save a lot of time (Mysql, Apache,
Qmail etc.)

Anyway, have a look around at various companies, try to compare the many
different aspects (support, bandwidth, location etc.) and test the support
perhaps with a question or two. Check for minimum period of terms too
because I think with some companies already mentioned, there is a 3 year
minimum contract!

We never really try to compete in the market on price alone, it's a
dangerous game really to play.

E-mail me off-list if you're interested in more information, or check our
web site http://www.positive-internet.com/dedicated.html


----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Brazier" <pbrazier at cosmos-uk.co.uk>
To: "Gllug (E-mail)" <gllug at linux.co.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 1:06 PM
Subject: [Gllug] Hiring servers - uk2.net

I've been looking at www.powerraq.com and it looks like you can hire a
server + connection and rackspace for just 300 pounds a year.
Is this too good to be true? - I don't really have the experience to see
through the marketing hype.
I think it's a fairly new thing.

It seems that elsewhere is at least a grand per year.

Paul Brazier
Cosmos UK

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