[Gllug] Certification

Xander D Harkness xander at harkness.co.uk
Mon Sep 17 10:07:04 UTC 2001

Jackson, Harry wrote:

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Dean [mailto:dean.wilson3 at virgin.net]
>>First of all I'd like to say that this isn't a call to have 
>>people argue over if certs have any relevance at all in the 
>>real world. We did that some months back (Harry's fault!) 
>>and got no where.
> It was a legitimate question at the time and did lead to some very
> interesting points. Although my favourite thread has got to be Quals or
> Experience which was a very interesting read considering I do not have a
> degree.
I think that this is very relevant.  The same guy I had to explain to the

difference between MX records and NS records (who is in charge of our 

internal DNS using w2k) is now passing his M$ courses by watching only 

videos and doing little else i.e. no practical like the Red Hat exam.


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