[Gllug] RE: [Glut] Official country code for Britain = GB or UK?

Ian Northeast ian at house-from-hell.demon.co.uk
Sun Apr 14 21:02:21 UTC 2002

Liam Delahunty wrote:
> E. R. Vaughan wrote:
> FWIW I think "Great Britain" is archaic...
> Hi,
> Great Britain means England, Scotland and Wales.
> UK means, the above + Northern Ireland.
> British Isles means GB +  Ireland. (and maybe the other little bits like
> jersey)

This is exactly correct IMHO. Otherwise the country would not be called
"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", despite the
monarch's having been a Queen for the most part of the last 2 centuries.
Which means the UN is wrong to call this country GB; however, they do
and it is therefore generally the correct designation.

Ah well, the inhabitants of St. Petersburg have to put up with "RU LEN"

Regards, Ian

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