[Gllug] Help me to deal with a UK spammer

Stig Brautaset stigbrau at start.no
Wed Dec 11 22:12:41 UTC 2002

On Dec 11 2002, Xander wrote:
> for mail in `ls /dev`; do echo 'Thanks you for the offer of Low cost 
> waste disposal units; however I do not buy anything from unsolicited 
> calls or emails.  This is not unsolicited commercial mail, just a polite 
> but firm no thank you responding to a relationship initiated by 
> you.'|mail -s "Thanks for the offer of some Pampers" 
> responseemailaddy at spammer.com; sleep 1; done &tail -f 

Don't use a domain that is publicly available... Although spammer.com is
not taken yet, it can be bought any day from buydomains.com .

> /var/log/exim/exim_mainlog

> This will only generate about 8,000 emails dependent of course upon the 
> contents of the /dev directory.


	for i in $(seq 1 8000); do ...

instead of `ls /dev` is better since you have a bit more control over
how many emails you actually produce. Your version probably wouldn't
produce so many mails on a machine running devfs for example. 

> Without the sleep you can really do some good stress testing of your 
> box.  I have managed to generate prolonged load values of 600-700.

Oops. So you DoS'd yourself then? ;)


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