[Gllug] ADSL Linux

Sudhir Anand anand_sudhir at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Dec 12 12:07:28 UTC 2002

>Sudhir Anand wrote:
>> My brother has an account with Pipex and connects to the internet
>> using SuSE Linux 8.1.  He is using a router on a wireless network.
>What make is the router?  Is it any good?
>Some information would be useful.

>From memory, the wireless network, modem and router he uses is "Buffalo"
available on Jungle.com among other sites.  He had a problem connecting the
router to the Linux box.  On the newsgroup, he contacted a kind soul in
Banglore who identified problem was in the configuration files, corrected
the files and emailed them.  On installing the files, the router sprang into
life on the Linux Box.

If you require other detials, let me know.

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