[Gllug] You are a bad man.

Adam Bower abower at thebowery.co.uk
Wed Dec 18 20:06:12 UTC 2002

On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 07:44:45PM +0100, John Hearns wrote:
> The 5000 is passively cooled, so will be queit in the spare bedroom
> and throw off less heat.
> But the 800 has more CPU power - I think much more.
> Sigh...

the 5000 is nice and quiet and sits in the corner of my room (my bedroom that
is) being a firewall/router and stuff =) its nice *very nice*

> BTW, I like the Chayang Fun aluminium case on the Linitx site.
> Whats your opinion on cases please?

Mine also has the nice pretty aluminium case, again that case is nice, but the
PSU fan is a noisy 36dBa, you could replace it with an 18dBa fan.. but you
would have to cut the warranty seals on the PSU to do this, which is why I
havn't done this yet... Still have a fear of breaking something and not being
able to get it fixed.

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