Touchtyping (was Re: [Gllug] bash / go to beginning of line)

Jackson, Harry HJackson at
Thu Feb 21 10:46:50 UTC 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wulf Forrester-Barker [mailto:wulf.f-b at]
> I'm sure what you're calling common misconception is actually the
> standard practise among typists - otherwise, which index finger do you
> extend to hit the g key? The bumps are there precisely for the purpose
> of helping you locate your fingers on the keyboard without looking.

I could be entirely wrong in what I said which has been known to happen more
often than I am right which probably means I should shut my trap but I do
not know any better. I always thought that the jkl keys where easier to use
but someone told me the h key was where my right index finger should be not
j which I found odd but because things like this are never logical I took it
to be true (odd logic applied here). Plus h is probably used more than ; and
your little finger is still on the ful stop.
> Are there any typists in the house?

I am definitely not a typist.

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