[Gllug] MTA

Bruce Richardson itsbruce at uklinux.net
Fri Feb 1 15:40:17 UTC 2002

On 2/1/02, 3:05:19 PM, "Jackson, Harry" <HJackson at colt-telecom.com> wrote 
regarding RE: [Gllug] MTA:

> > Why do you think you need something that stores and sends?
> > It's quite
> > possible to have mailstores and mail delivery running on
> > separate boxes.

> I know that the two can be on separate boxes but one of the boxes is dual
> boot and I want to keep as much as the stuff I will be backing up on one 
> so that I just tar.gz it and burn it to disk. I am not looking to get 
> down managing where I put and store everything hence my love of apt-get 
> all things simple.

The two boxes thing was just an example, Harry.  What you want is a box 

1) fetches your upstream mail and 
2) stores it, and 
3) accepts outgoing mail and sends it on for delivery.

What I am saying is that you use different applications for each part.  
This is a *good* thing as it means you can change any of the 3 parts if 
you are unhappy with the way it works.

So task 1 could involve fetchmail for fetching and exim for delivering to 
the local account.  Task 2 could use UW-IMAP.  Task 3 would be exim 

There are variations on this: fetchmail can do local delivery (and a lot 
of people hate fetchmail and will suggest alternatives), you could use 
Postfix or qmail or sendmail instead of exim, you could use Courier-IMAP 
or Cyrus IMAP etc.  But if you want something simple and easy to maintain 
then a fetchmail/exim/UW-IMAP is hard to beat.

>From the outside (e.g your NT box) it's irrelevant.  It expects to see 
something on port 25 to deliver mail and something on (say) port 143 to 
talk IMAP.



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