[Gllug] erm, help...

John Hearns john.hearns at framestore-cfc.com
Sat Feb 9 08:22:13 UTC 2002

On Sat, 2002-02-09 at 00:57, Vincent AE Scott wrote:
> will(will at hellacool.co.uk)@Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 10:18:16PM +0000:
> > I just compiled my kernel (again) and I seem to have lost the contents 
> > of my /boot directory.  This is RH 7.2.  I guess if I reboot the 
> > computer would just not work, what needs to be in the /boot directory?
> > 
> > Will.
> > 
> typically, kernel(s) and maybe some initial ram disks.

What Vince says is correct - and The Right Way To Do It.

However, I propose that if you are in a rush,
and we assume the box is still up,
and are running an RPM based distribution, then you could
install the relevant RPM from CD, and run Lilo.
This should get you a bootable system.
Discuss please - I may be wrong.

I remember upgrading (hah!) from RH 7.1 to RH 7.2 on
on my Athlon system, and having all sort of shenanigans
about booting single user and installing different
kernel packages to get it to run.
Gave up in the end and re-installed to tell you the truth...

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