[Gllug] SCSI Cards.

Darran D. Rimron-Molloy ddrm at digital-science.net
Wed Jan 9 14:39:29 UTC 2002

> PS. Oh yes... be prepared to be labelled a SCSI bigot by people who
>     don't believe it's any better than IDE. Serial ATA may remedy
>     many of IDE's shortcomings, but it's not here yet. SCSI is, and
>     is stable and mature.

*TOTALLY* unsubstantiated fact. Based on nothing but my personal experience.

SCSI based systems are more reliable, on the whole, than IDE - both software
and hardware.

This is, I suspect, because when people build a SCSI box, they install a
"better class" of components.... on the whole :)

This is STRICTLY personal experience.


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