[Gllug] SCSI Cards.

Christian Smith csmith at micromuse.com
Wed Jan 9 14:54:44 UTC 2002

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Darran D. Rimron-Molloy wrote:

>> PS. Oh yes... be prepared to be labelled a SCSI bigot by people who
>>     don't believe it's any better than IDE. Serial ATA may remedy
>>     many of IDE's shortcomings, but it's not here yet. SCSI is, and
>>     is stable and mature.
>*TOTALLY* unsubstantiated fact. Based on nothing but my personal experience.
>SCSI based systems are more reliable, on the whole, than IDE - both software
>and hardware.
>This is, I suspect, because when people build a SCSI box, they install a
>"better class" of components.... on the whole :)

SCSI also has parity built in, so any errors (usually with cabling) are
DETECTED, whereas with IDE, a bad cable can just give you single bit
errors which are not detected by hardware, or software till that
filesystem is corrupted beyond repair.

>This is STRICTLY personal experience.

And mine. But being able to burn a CD at 16x speed and being able to pay
Q3A at the same time is nothing to be sniffed at (I'd like to try that on
an IDE system.)

>	-Darran


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