[Gllug] Modems

Andy Loates andy at the-bizz.demon.co.uk
Wed Jul 10 21:19:37 UTC 2002

On 10/7/02 Wayne wrote

 >went to PCWORLD last night on an urgent quest for a modem... it 
appears that
 >nearly all PCI modems are software based....even the 40 quid ones!!! 
and its
 >not really apparent until you get them home....no longer are they called
 >'winmodems'  The clue seems to be looking at the minimum spec for the
 >modem(in this case P166) and possibly the manufacturers website...... so
 >Anyone any reccomendations for a hardware 56K modem???, preferable not
 >serial as my m/b does not like my serial devices and it must be hardware
 >based... I want to use Wincrap and Linux........ USB or PCI


Try Diamond PCI Pro Hardware V90 Internal Modem. Used one till recently. 
worked fine under Linux.

Scan ( http://www.scan.co.uk/products/index.htm )are currently selling 
them at GBP22.65. Doesn't say what stock is. If I could find it (moved 
house recently, cant find the damn thing anywhere) you would be welcome 
to it. Got the driver disc still if any use.



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