[Gllug] [OT] Advice for cheap hotel somewhere around the Barbican?

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Thu Jun 6 13:05:13 UTC 2002

Richard Cohen(richard at vmlinuz.org)@Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 10:00:02PM +0100:
> I'm going to a concert next week at the Barbican, and I've been trying to
> help a Dutch couple who are coming over for it (e-fan club...).  Having
> persuaded them that my driving them to Dover and back for a Monday evening
> concert isn't going to happen (it's not like I actually *know* them, and
> besides, the train is cheaper than the petrol), they've now asked for advice
> on somewhere to stay.  They're not the most communicative of people - and
> they prefer ICQ,which I rarely use, to mail - so I don't know exactly what

not acomodation orientated, but
why not setup a jabber server with ICQ transports compiled up?  that way
you can use nice open source software for communicating with them.

i recently set one up with msn and yahoo transports, and it pretty muh
works a treat.  i'm very impressed by it.

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 War is God's way of teaching Americans geography
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