[Gllug] Alcatel speedtouch USB

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Sat Mar 2 22:38:33 UTC 2002

will(will at hellacool.co.uk)@Sat, Mar 02, 2002 at 04:14:08PM +0000:
> I have finally solved the problem with the speedtouch not working.  I 
> installed Mandrake 8.1 and as part of the connection configuration it 
> asked for the setup details of the provider.  All I had to do was to 
> copy the mgmt.o file to the right directory and it works fine.  It is 
> cheating a bit though :-)

i wouldnt call it cheating, it's more off a valuable lesson.  Distro's
that attempt to use as much hardware as possible out of the box have
their uses.

at least now you can try and work out *how* it works, so you can do it
from scratch should you need too in the future.

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