[Gllug] Can't get my CNet PRO200WL netcard to work in Gentoo

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Sun May 26 15:31:34 UTC 2002

Mats Hulten(mahu at ffs.gu.se)@Sun, May 26, 2002 at 05:12:33PM +0200:
> > wierd ISP - who is it ??!!
> Telia in Sweden. The govermental phone service gone private... They are
> not excactly assosiated with effectivness... :)
> > do you actually have to log on to a web page each time you dial up !!!
> Telia requires that you log in every time you want to access the net
> (when you need a dynamic IP that is). The only way they provide is the
> webpage... Of course there is an app to bypass this that was released
> about 5 minutes after telia made the announcement, called LF Connection
> Keeper, so this is most often only an inconvieniense... But still...

i used to have a dialup account in the UK, with an ISP that IIRC was
owned by telia.  cant remember the name, but thats not important.  they
used the same mechanism, where by you had to go to an internal web page
10.x.x.x to authorize the acount, before being given an address.

but, it was fairly easy to bypass with linux, and a few commands in the
ip-up.local script.  i'm going completely from my failing memory here,
but IIRC it only required downloading a certain url, to get the login
page, then formulating another URL, based on the contents of the first
one, tagging in your login/passwd and posting it back.  

sounds like what you have is very similar.  does telia have a linux
newsgroup?  that would be a place to find out what the crack is.


p.s. sorry the info is vague, but im pretty sure you can
login/authenticate with some linux scripting, best bet to hunt arround
and look for the answer.

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