[Gllug] Re: Can't connect to the internet

Stephen Harker steve at pauken.co.uk
Sun Nov 10 12:26:54 UTC 2002

Dermot Moynihan wrote:
> At 23:08 09/11/02, you wrote:
>> Re:-
>> "Norman
>> First of all, I'd suggest going to GLLUG at linux.co.uk - all the 
>> messages are=
>> =20
>> still there!"
>> Try
>>  http://list.ftech.net/pipermail/gllug/
> yes, indeed, thanks for the correction.
>> Bookmark this page then you have a good start point for browsing all 
>> the GLLUG general messages.
> Good idea.
> By the way, is there any way to save my Kmail setup and messages to a 
> FAT16 partition (I have icons to C: and D: on my desktop).

Well, KMail stores its folders in home/"you"/Mail/ so you could make 
that folder a SymLink to a folder on your FAT partition.
In your home directory.

mv Mail Mail.backup
mkdir /mnt/windows_c/Kmail
ln -sf /mnt/windows_c/Kmail Mail
cp -a ./Mail.backup/* ./Mail/

I am assuming your FAT partition is mounted as /mnt/windows_c, change as 
appropriate. It will probably complain about preserving permissions when 
you copy to a FAT partition but this is OK. Bear in mind that now, 
anyone who can log in to your machine can read your email as there are 
no permissions (to speak of) on a FAT partition.
Then try running Kmail. If it all goes pear-shaped, remove the Mail link 
and then move Mail.backup back to Mail and you should be back to where 
you started.
rm Mail
mv Mail.backup Mail

Give that a whirl and let us know how you get on.

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