OT Re: [Gllug] Onetel are CRAP!!

Mark Lowes hamster at korenwolf.net
Fri Nov 1 13:03:36 UTC 2002

On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 12:48, Vincent AE Scott wrote:
> get over it.  ISP's have good days and bad days.  when the bad days are
> more frequent than you desire, exercise your consumer preferences and
> switch to a different company.  i know that may not be easy if your tied

Rules of ISPland

#1 All ISPs suck
#2 All ISPs have bad days / weeks (been on the wrong end of that and
   it's not fun)
#3 All ISPs have had at least one system hacked at some point (any which
   tell you otherwise are lying, or have only been live for < 3 months)

The Flying Hamster <hamster at korenwolf.net>     
Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to
        -- Kurt Vonnegut

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