[Gllug] Can't connect to the Internet.

Dermot Moynihan dermoyn at onetel.net.uk
Mon Oct 28 23:36:05 UTC 2002


> > I'm afraid I don't know how to do this. While the manuals look very
> > impressive they have very little info on accessing the internet.
> > Now if this were Windows I'd know exactly what was wrong and could explain
> > myself and probably wouldn't even need to do so as I could fix the thing
> > myself. This is in no way praise for that wretched piece of work. I 
> tend to
> > subscribe more to the Will Shakespeare's definition of a Microsoft
> > Operating System:
> >
> > "A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing" 
> (King
> > Lear).
>Drop down to a command line (CTRL ALT F1),

I did that and I got a totally black screen that frightened the hell out of 
me. I had to do a reboot to get back to normal.

>log in, su - (enter root
>password) [or login as root which some people frown upon] :)

Okay, did this at a console

>type "wvdialconf"
>then open /etc/wvdial.conf in an editor (I favour joe, some people cry
>"EMACS IS THE ONE TRUE EDITOR" and others do the same for VI, but pick one
>that suits you.

Nothing suits me at the moment - it's all new. So, I don't know how they 
work. But I went for vi played around for a bit but it wouldn't let me make 
any changes so I went with KDE, logged on again as ROOT and that did the 

>This is a plain text config file with the config options almost all self
>This is the one here (with obvious things excluded)
>Password       =
>Baud           = 115200
>Init1          = ATZ
>ISDN supported = 0
>Init2          = AT Q0 V1 E1 S0=0 S2=255 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
>Init3          =
>Auto DNS       = 1
>Phone          =
>Init8          = ATM0
>Init9          =
>Modem          = /dev/modem
>If it's not even dialing, chances are, the dialer is not looking at the
>correct serial port. If /dev/modem doesn't work, try both ttyS0 and ttyS1.
>Dial Command   = ATDT
>Idle Seconds   = 900
>Compuserve     = 0
>Ask Password   = 0
>Dial Prefix    =
>Username       =
>Stupid Mode    = 0
>Priority       = 0
>Auto Reconnect = 0
>Just fill in the blanks (phone, usename, password)

Did this. Left it as /dev/modem

>then run the command wvdial
>See if that connects you...

Well, it made the modem flash and screech which is a hell of an 
improvement. But then it just seems to stop. wvdial seems to have some 
interesting messages but it flies off the screen before I can read the 
lines at the end that might point me to something. Any idea how I might be 
able to read them?
Anyway, thanks for your help. I'm progressing and I learned a lot while 

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