[Gllug] Can't connect to the Internet.

michael norman michaeltnorman at ntlworld.com
Mon Oct 28 22:35:26 UTC 2002

On Monday 28 October 2002 16:04, Vincent AE Scott wrote:
> Dermot Moynihan(dermoyn at onetel.net.uk)@Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 03:21:10PM 
> > I bought my first ever Linux OS Saturday: SUSE 8.1 Pro. Well, after
> > spending all day yesterday trying to get my external modem, which it has
> > recognised, and which appears to work, to dial my ISP's number and get me
> > access to the Internet, and failing dismally, I'm at my wits end.
> >  The modem does work - I have Mandrake on another H/D and I checked it
> > there and I was able to get on the Internet no problem.
> > Don't assume from the last sentence that I know much about Linux. My
> > knowledge would fit on the head of a pin. And a sharp one at that.
> > I'm trying to get away from Gates but alas, the road is all up hill. I
> > may have to invest in a pair of stout boots. They weren't included with
> > the package.
> oh dear, thats rather unfortunate.
> in what way does it fail under suse?  is the modem dialing out?  lights
> flashing, wailing sounds?  or is it failing later on, perhaps at the
> authentication stage?
> you might want to have a look at the ends of the logfiles for more info
> about where its failing.  /var/log/{messages|daemon.log|pppd.log|syslog}
> and maybe some others.  (it varies on distros, and i dont know suse)

SuSE 8.1 uses kintenet as default rather than kppp which appears to be a bit 
broken.  If you haven.t tried using kinternet try that.


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