[Gllug] My monitor just went splat !

ab ab at spkypc.demon.co.uk
Fri Oct 4 20:30:48 UTC 2002

Hey people,
I usually just read the [GLUG] traffic...... but
I switched on my machine today and my pride 19" Samsung monitor
had a black-screen-of-death. Can't get anything on the screen.
I checked all the cables/cards etc - all the easy stuff.
The little coloured LED at the front tells me it is seeing a signal but...

Any ideas ? don't tell me to turn up the brightness [already tried that :) ]

Tell me they weren't serious about that warning in the XF86 manual !
It was running below maximum resolution, but pushing the bandwidth
I guess....

Help ! - anyone need their washing done - need cash pronto !


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