[Gllug] Whitelist-only spam filtering

Sean Burlington sean at uncertainty.org.uk
Thu Sep 12 13:18:41 UTC 2002

Mark Lowes wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-09-12 at 11:21, Sean Burlington wrote:
>>I've been getting worried about the spam wars since MPs have started to 
>>get in on the act and News stories feature young girls being horrified 
>>to discover adverts for porn in their (parentally controllled AOL) email 
> I trust you've emailed Master Wyatt expressing your concern at his
> approach and giving some positive suggestions[1]?


I was going for a more grass-roots level approach ;)

>>Now I don't like spam, but it's a lot less annoying than advertisers 
>>phoning me at home  and a lot less wastefull than the buckets of 
>>junkmail I throw away.
> TPS deals with 99% of the telesales buggers, and the 1% who don't use
> the TPS get... educated not to call.

they still annoy me - especially T-mobile who insist on texting me with 
ads !

> Junkmail gets recycled.

about 1% of it !

> Email junk accounts for 100+ emails into my mailbox / day (filtered off
> using spamassassin)

the strange thing is that some people do seem to get inordinate amounts 
of spam - but lots of people don't

my worst account for spam is about 4 years old (its a bigfoot account 
and the address has been splattered around a bit)

and I get a *total* of maybe 3 spams a day

which is part of the reason I am averse to losing frredom in the name of 



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