[Gllug] Whitelist-only spam filtering

Jason Clifford jason at ukpost.com
Thu Sep 12 16:36:48 UTC 2002

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:

> Yes I must say I greeted the arrival of "rape porn" spams with some
> hope.  Disgusting as it is, this may well end up being the final straw
> that gets the powers-what-be to ban spam.

Given that the MP who is moving on this has stated that he wants the law 
to hold the receiving ISP liable for the spam I think your trust is 

Do you really want your ISP to read all your email and only forward what 
they think is suitable?

> I think you're a bit harsh.  Waiting until she's 18 before she can
> have unfiltered email?  You may be the coolest dad in the world but
> there are definitely things she doesn't want you seeing well before
> the age of 18.  Are you sure she doesn't just have a hotmail account?
> If not, she will soon enough.

Indeed. It is trivially easy to get 'net access. The only worthwhile 
approach to this problem in my view is to educate your kids to handle such 
messages properly.

Jason Clifford

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