[Gllug] My response to Ivan's comments made at the recent GLLUG meeting.
Zachary Struhs
zjstruhs at btopenworld.com
Mon Sep 16 08:36:21 UTC 2002
First, many thanks to the people who make GLLUG happen: Collen, Ivan, John,
Steve, and speakers.
>1). Will GLLUG be dumbed down by the input of Westminster University?
>1a). Is this a bad thing?
When a group grows and becomes more diversified amoung its members, the group
needs to change. Obviously not everyone in GLLUG is at the same level of
knowlege. From the saturday meeting I thought I had the least, but in the lab
I had something to offer those who wanted to just to learn a basic
installation. If GLLUG is going to be a user group to address the needs of
all its members pressent and future, less advanced topics will need to be
scheduled concurrently with the more advanced topics. What use will a
discussion on LDAP or User-Mode-Linux be to a person who doesn't know what
/dev/hda1 means. I know Ivan will have a good rant on this. RTFM doesn't cut
it for everyone. This is what a user group is about, teaching others.
However, we do need advanced topics for advanced users.
I do think we need a more of a reguarly scheduled meeting(ie, 2nd or 3rd
saturday of the month.) honestly this will attact more people having a set
venue and date. Besides referring people to the GLLUG mailing lists for the
time/place. My suggestion is regullar meetings every month for
basic/intermediate topics(such as basic hardware concepts, linux file system,
shell scripting). And if it is a hastle on finding external speakers for more
advanced topics, then hold those every other month.
>3). That Ivan makes public his reasons for his distrust/dislike of the
>University or of Sean.
Weather or not Westminster receives money for our meeting has nothing to do
with lectures. If the accusation is true, then this might be a bargining
point for them to allow us to bring in personal box units.
OT: If someone knows the exact requirements of a system to be plugged into
the university's power outlets. (ie, safety checking the boxes or cables). If
it is just the cables I could be more than happy to buy a few cables to leave
there for our use.
>4). Do you need someone else on the committee to help with the organisation
>now that I have stood down, completely?
After reading the previous mentioned question, I asked myself what can I do
for GLLUG? (I think at this point every regular member should asking themself
this same qustion.) This is what I can offer:
A.) Cheap Disks. I can download and burn disks for a relatively small fee,
"Will burn for beer!"
B.) I have DSL, which means my phone line is not tied up all the time. And I
am a home father. So If a new point of contact is needed.
C.) I live just a few blocks away from Westminster University; so, I can
offer my flat as a venue for people who want to learn linux or perform an
install(max 8 people). The only constraints are that I can't feed everyone
and I have only one monitor. If this is something that anyone wants to to on
a regular basis outside of GLLUG. I am open for suggestions.
D.) Lectures on basic topics: hardware concepts, linux basics.
Zachary Struhs
zjstruhs at btopenworld.com
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