[Gllug] Mp3 player for Linux recommendation

Peter Adamson peter.adamson at isode.com
Thu Apr 3 20:57:30 UTC 2003

In case anyones interested I've just got a new Mp3 player (Archos 
JukeboxStudio 10),

Its basically a 10Gb portable disk with an mp3 decoder strapped on.
I asked the pleb behind the counter if I could use it with Linux...you 
can guess the response.
So I figured what the hell, I'll buy it & sort it out later.

Got home, started installing windoze drivers (working on the grounds I 
should be able get it to work
in windoze, so I test it before getting it to work under Linux).

F**ked around with windoze for an hour trying to get the thing to work.

Booted to Linux:
/dev/sda1               /mnt/mp3                vfat    noauto,user 0 0

in /etc/fstab
and it worked.
Straight away ;)

Why is Windoze so difficult to use ;) ??


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