[Gllug] email like distro (think =~ s/smoothwall/smoothemail/g)

Branden Faulls bfaulls at omphe.com
Fri Apr 25 09:38:57 UTC 2003

Murray wrote:

> Yet these custom distro's (stick in the cd, boot, wait, point your web
> brower are the admin IP) strike me as a fantastic way to increase the reach
> to those who could care less about the OS/compiling, but want a good
> solution.

I like learning and doing things myself, but I recently put up a 
SmoothWall box here at home and I love it.  It "Just Works". I love it.

> - Any other neat custom-distro's I should be looking at?
> Say, for instance, a dedicated web-server distro, with mod_perl, apache 1&2,
> squid, etc all pre-installed, with appropriate system settings, and a nice
> web based admin interface. 

Linux Format had Mitel's SME Server on the coverdisc in April. This 
seems to have all the bits and pieces that you are looking for, albeit 
perhaps not the specific applications that you mention.

Its a webserver, mailserver, and gateway with web interface and 
integrated browser based backup.  Looks pretty good if you want a tinned 

It was the April issue, but you can probably get a back issue sent. 
They tend to be pretty fast with orders and mailing.

Good luck


|                                       |
|Branden Faulls                         |
|                                       |
|                        www.omphe.com  |
|              brandenfaulls at omphe.com  |
|                   (+44) 773 440 8623  |

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