[Gllug] Cyclists (off topic)

Juan AMIGUET K995263 at atlas.kingston.ac.uk
Tue Aug 12 12:12:23 UTC 2003

Regarding Re: [Gllug] Cyclists (off topic) Peter Childs Wrote on 12 Aug 2003, at 12:44:

> On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Jason Clifford wrote:
> > On Mon, 11 Aug 2003, Doug Winter wrote:
> > 
> > > > Nobody here is denying that a collision with a car, van, truck
> > > > or bus is likely to cause more damage however that's not issue
> > > > when discussing whether cyclists should be required to
> > > > demonstrate a minimum level of competence and hold adequate
> > > > third party insurance before going on the road.
> > > 
> > > What about kids?
> > 
> > Surely if someone is old enough to cycle on the highway they are
> > legally responsible.
> > 
> > As I said in a previous message I do think it would be impracticle
> > to enforce a proper registration/tax/insurance system on cyclists
> > and this is one of the main reasons.
> > 
> > Still, I could turn your point around and ask what about the
> > children - how can it be a good thing for them to be able to weave
> > in and out of vehicle traffic without any real training or any
> > verification that they are basically competent and safe on the road
> > for their own sakes.
> > 
> > Jason Clifford
> > 

<Mental Mastrubation>

Eduacation, education, and perhaps less mental masturbation may 
be a solution to the issues that are arrising here.

Among other things:

It would be costly to have veryone pass a test or top up their driving 
every so often [I hope the goverment does not hear this, it would be 
grand money making scheme. and quite in line with new software 
licensing practices.]. However if people are taugh properly how to 
drive and are aware of how important it is, then perhaps we are not 

Being from Spain, a country in which people drive absolutely like 
nutters, and every one has to go to a proper driving school I see the 
ads in the UK for safe driving and I find them a lot harsher than the 
ones in Spain. I do not know what the accident stadistics are but I 
see more traffic lights being skipped in Valencia, my home city, 
than in central London.

My two pennies: I cycle, and I live close to Richmond park. I do so 
without an insurance, mainly because I am a student [ young, 
pennyless, and possibly stupid] I would not skip a red light. But I 
may try to cycle past the stop line but before the junction trying not 
to set foot on the ground. I do not hate cars. But I hate people that 
cycle on normal sidewalks. There are lots of stupid people around 
and their behaviour is just the same everywhere: on the road, on 
the street, in the pub... We cant really take them out of those 
spaces because that would be absolut faschism. But we can at 
least set the example and  behave properly. Educate those who 
can be educated and tell the others to piss off. Is it not what we do 
by using free software and advocating for it?

</Mental Mastrubation>

>  Drum Roll Please
>  Most car drivers have not taken a test, in the last 20 years, have
> any formal training on modern roads. Even I who only took my test 2
> years ago have seen my own driving go down hill. 
>  Most drivers will quite happerly drive just good enough not to get
> caught and not to bump into any other drivers. This is never up to the
> statndard implied by the highway code....
>  Let him who is without fault be the first to judge.
> Peter Childs
> -- 
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Juan Amiguet Vercher
Much obliged, should be my last words on this earth
as I have indulged in subtle pleasures....

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