[Gllug] would it be appropriate for me to discuss my new software on the 1st March

Steve Cobrin cobrin at highbury.net
Wed Feb 12 18:44:26 UTC 2003

Nicholas Harris said on Wed, 12 Feb 2003 16:54:15
> Basically, I will be hoping to discuss the details at
> the meeting with anyone who is receptive to new ideas,
> and look forward to your contructive feedback and
> pragmatic suggestions.

If Zach, agrees, do it at the InstallFest.

However, I'd have thought it was more approprate for the meeting on the 
12th April, which is a more talk/software oriented meeting rather than 
the InstallFest. You get a different sort of audience. Perhaps a 15 
minute slot somewhere....

> By the way, this will be the first time I have spoken
> to strangers about this, so I may seem... weird.

Well, we do have a rather weird set of people in GLLUG, so make yourself 
feel at home.

  -- Steve (GLLUG committee/co-organiser/whatever)

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