[Gllug] Another Mozilla Question

Steve Nicholson yahoogroups at yoursolutions.com
Wed Feb 26 15:08:37 UTC 2003

On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 02:07:55PM +0000, Formi wrote:
>  To throw another one on the fire, phoenix, I think the description
>  of skipstone below applies to it.
>  www.mozilla.org/projects/phoenix
>  In my opinion it is slimer than galeon, and therefore less feature
>  full.

I've tried most of these in the search for something quick to startup
and fast to render pages.  Dillo is still my favorite dispite all the
things it can't do!

I've found problems with all of them, my biggest bitch is stability as I
still haven't found anything as good as IE was for me on win98 (and that
wasn't that great).  I have come to the realisation that it maybe the
java plugin that is crashing things but can't remember where I found the
information on how I installed it to figure out how to upgrade or fix
it.  Debian doesn't have a package for this.

As far as I'm concerned java isn't required on a website but every dog
and it's owner seems to thinks it's cool so often to read a site I have
to put up with it and endure the pain for freezing and crashing mozilla,
phoenix, galeon, skipstone, others!

sorry I think I should have put some rant markups in that. Thanks for


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