[Gllug] Re: [GLUG] Upgrading glibc

Paul Nasrat pauln at truemesh.com
Mon Jan 13 13:27:58 UTC 2003

On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 02:46:07PM +0200, Gareth Gregor wrote:
> > I have a old RH 6.2 box, and I need to upgrade glibc to version 2.2.x,
> > what's the easiest and safest way to do this. And this has to be done
> > remotely?
> There is allways rpm's, but, I personally would never do it that way, i 

The below is just guess work, based on how I would do it:

Umm I'd recommend actually trying to build all the packages on a local
machine.  If you are going to do it on more than one machine it may be
worth this, otherwise you can just build from src if it's once and only

A quick look says you'd need to look at updating on a dev 6.2 box.
Ensure both dev and live boxes are up2date with the RH errata.

1) libelf 
2) gcc/egcs
3) make
4) binutils

You probably can build from 7.x src.rpms (I'm looking at 7.3 and it's

Bootstrap the stuff on a local mirror (vmware/plex86/uml - if you don't
have a convenient 6.2 box).

The order you build things will be important - just guessing but this is
a likely order.

1) libelf
2) make
3) binutils
4) gcc (probably want to build 
6) libc (and probably kernel-headers to build against)

Build and upgrade on your local dev image, test thouroughly, rebuild
from src.rpm incrementing versions if you need to on any packages -
although you should only need to if it's statically linked and you want
to update that.


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