[Gllug] Voluntary work

Phil phil at shaitan.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Nov 13 09:57:37 UTC 2003

     Cheers for that. A lot of the stuff up there is web monkeying. I doubt
any AIX will show up. However I have seen at least one C/C++ thing up there
which if I can get, will enable me to pass it off as "Commercial

- Phil

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean Burlington" <sean at uncertainty.org.uk>
To: "Greater London Linux Users Group" <gllug at linux.co.uk>
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Gllug] Voluntary work

> Craig Millar wrote:
> > Does anyone know of any charity organisations that require any voluntary
> > work done for them, in and around the London area but anywhere really
> > that could be done remotely. I am thinking linux/win(doh!)s systems
> > administration and java programming. I am not a guru in either field by
> > any stretch of the imagination but feel that I do have something to
> > contribute. I have attempted to find this sort of thing on the web, but
> > have turned up mostly data entry and that sort of thing.  I admit, I am
> > looking to gain some experience into the bargain, so my search is not
> > entirely selfless, though of course it would have the added benefit of
> > doing something for the greater good, and would hopefully be ongoing
> > regardless of the path my career takes. Any comments and suggestions
> > welcome, thanks.
> > Craig
> >
> >
> during a recent slow period I took on a couple of projects through
> http://www.it4communities.org.uk/
> they have some interesting work - and keeping active certainly helped me
> at job interviews
> But the actual projects never got completed - partly because I got a
> full time job - and partly because of delays within one of the charities
> that probably wouldn't have happened had I been sending them invoices.
> I defintaley found the experience beneficial - but had my slow period
> lasted longer I might well have started to get frustrated.
> Interestingly it seems that many charities were looking for volunteers
> not because they had no money - but because they simply didn't know how
> to find a good contractor at reasonable rates.
> --
> Sean
> --
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