[Gllug] No login to Debian 3.0r1 bf24 box

itsbruce at uklinux.net itsbruce at uklinux.net
Tue Nov 4 12:52:16 UTC 2003

On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 10:19:16AM +0000, Chris Bell wrote:
>    I assume that it is a permissions problem, but have not yet found any
> configuration file in /etc which appears to be relevant and is different
> from the same file on any other box. It will allow connection outwards to
> another local box, connect to remote sites via the internet, and I have been
> able to grab files, the Knoppix iso, and Debian updates. It is almost as
> though /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny have been swapped. Any
> suggestions please?   Thanks.

Connecting *out* has nothing to do with the hosts_access files and isn't
even done by the same program.  You connect out by running the telnet
client but you serve incoming connections using the telnetd daemon.  On
Debian, both are included in the telnet package but the telnetd daemon
is not enabled by default.  The telnet daemon is called by inetd or
xinetd so you need to add or enable the servive in the inetd or xinetd
config file.

But don't.  Use ssh instead.  


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