[Gllug] Voluntary work

John Hearns john.hearns at clustervision.com
Thu Nov 13 12:50:23 UTC 2003

On Thu, 2003-11-13 at 13:31, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> On Thu 13 Nov, itsbruce at uklinux.net bloviated thus:

> An incremental process is a better approach.  Start by replacing a
> service at a time.  Leave your dreams of the entire organisation
> migrating to Linux desktops for another day.

Also remember that on the desktop things are application-led.

'Normal' people (unlike us!) don't give a hoot about the platform,
how easy it is to manage, update, secure.
They care about applications.

Think of Visicalc driving the sales of Apple IIs. Seemingly office 
managers just bought them out of cach budgets.
Same with IBM PCs - they weren't originally conceived as being part of
a big office automation strategy - that was supposed to be using Profs
on 3270 terminals on your mainframe.
But people bought PCs to run Foxbase or dBase (?)

Same with Linux - as I've said before, a killer application is
lurking out there. It will only run on Linux and then bang....
Then again these days the waters are clouded by OS X (and the BSDs!)

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