SOLVED Re: [Gllug] OT: Windows XP refuses internet access

Dylan dylan at
Sat Sep 20 23:10:58 UTC 2003

I'm sure you'll excuse TOFU in this instance....

So, it's now two hours later.
I have d/loaded one service pack, one update to the service pack, several 
(nay, 28!!!) security and critical updates, and the latest edition of Windoze 
Media player. And now, the next thing I have to do is update Windoze Media 

WTF do these untrained chimps think they are doing? (No, seriously, that's a 
rhetorical question) Maybe 1000 of them dumped in front of MS Orifice for 
long enough will come up with the complete works of Shakespere [complete with 
spelling errors]) Or is that what we already have?????

Think the vino is getting to me


On Saturday 20 September 2003 22:21 pm, Dylan wrote:
> <RANT option="lets just get it out of the way">
> Well, I ended up deleting the DUN (or should that be DUNG) settings, and
> re-configuring the network card! There seems to be no way to tell the
> damned beast that the NIC is the default connection. Well, what can I say!?
> "Typical Bill Gates botch job!" - so says my m8 who has come to laugh at me
> fightin this piece of crap. I ask you, two fscking days! Was that a pig
> overhead trailing a banner saying "User Friendly"?
> I suppose we'll be getting through the whole box of wine tonight waiting
> for this.... And I just knew I needed a fresh goat! Don't think my
> boyfriend would be too happy if I turned to his puppy (and anyway, goats
> are so much more effective.)
> </RANT>
> So - thanks for the pointers! I think I'll surface (Blaine like) from my
> cellar in 44 days, since she's done NO updates since buying the machine a
> year ago!
> Cheers
> Dylan
> --
> Sweet moderation
> Heart of this nation
> Desert us not
> We are between the wars
> - Billy Bragg

Sweet moderation
Heart of this nation
Desert us not
We are between the wars
- Billy Bragg

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