[Gllug] Ubuntu LiveCD persistent home

NorthLondon John northlondonjohn at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Dec 11 09:49:07 UTC 2004

On 11 Dec 2004, at 00:37, James Goldwater wrote:

> A friend of mine 300 miles away at university was 'accidentally 
> surfing porn' using IE and has a nasty infection as a result.  I've 
> tried talking her through cleaning her computer but it seems pretty 
> incurable without physical access... therefore, a linux-advocacy idea 
> has popped into mind...
> Ubuntu seems to do everything she would need, and is piss-easy to use. 
>  A Live CD would be perfect, if I could get a persistent home on a USB 
> pendrive working.
> I've never done this before: I've tried adding home=/dev/sda1 and 
> home=/mnt/sda1 to the boot options: neither works.  Is there some 
> magic incantation I can use?  Ubuntu live-cd seems to be a derivative 
> of morphix, and there's mention of a morphix.img loopback home 
> directory in the grub menus, but I am, to tell the truth, rather 
> confused.
> Any ideas/completely obvious google queries I could have tried/howtos?

To be blunt - and I am very pro ubuntu - the live cd isn't as good as 
Knoppix by a long way. For knoppix with Persistent Home see:

As far as I know, there is no persistent home script on the Ubuntu live 
cd - but I rarely use it and don't really follow the discussions about 

There is a FAQ for Morphix PH - Ubuntu is based on Morphix - at:

Otherwise, I suggest asking on the ubuntu-users list - or, if you want, 
I can forward your email and you can watch the replies on gmane:

Or you can go through the unofficial forums mail list interface:



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