[Gllug] mp3 encoding from Real Player output

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Thu Jan 1 23:19:58 UTC 2004

On Thu 01 Jan, Stuart Children wrote:

> I have a DXR3 and it works pretty well. I had to play a little to get
> the module options right initially - there are variations based on
> models which the module can't work out itself (last time I checked
> anyway). The only issue I have is that the audio sync tends to go a
> little which I find annoying. That could be my system though.
   If you are referring to lip-sync, much of the time it does not exist,
especially on news programmes. There are picture delays in many pieces of
video manipulation kit, while the sound often takes a different route, and
the audio delay should be adjusted to suit (subject to time and budget
   A common problem is caused by intermediate centres deciding that they
would like a copy, so pass the video through a local video system before
they pass it on, perhaps adding up to 1/50 second (one picture) each time,
which is very obvious.
   The first public UK TV broadcast using a satellite link was made with a
repaired but untested audio data link, so the standby route via landline was
substituted. It arrived seconds before the picture, but without any means of
inserting that much delay.

Chris Bell

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