[Gllug] Can I get this to work?

Bruce Richardson itsbruce at uklinux.net
Sat Jan 17 14:41:59 UTC 2004

On Sat, Jan 17, 2004 at 02:15:34PM +0000, Adrian wrote:
> However I can use the provided browser (which has some sort of proxy 
> connection - which I can guess at)

What do you mean by "guess at"?  Can you not examine the settings of the
browser?  What kind of browser is it, what is it running on and how do
you get access to it?  That information is needed to give you a good

> Now, all I want to do is connect to my box at home and run kmail over port 
> forwarded X. I have an X server on the client side (cygwin). Can I solve 
> this? Asking for changes in the firewall configuration isn't an option.

If they have locked things down well enough, your only option may to be
to find some way to provide the access you want through a web server.

Note: you have to consider how much information you want to give about
the network in your workplace.  If your employers discover that you are
handing out inside information about the network structure (and with the
aim of subverting it) then they may consider that a sackable offence.


The ice-caps are melting, tra-la-la-la.  All the world is drowning,
tra-la-la-la-la.  -- Tiny Tim.
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