[Gllug] belated comment on XML

Holger Duerer hduerer at gmx.net
Wed Jul 7 14:27:51 UTC 2004

>>>>> "RSR" == Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net> writes:

    RSR> Standards don't have to be perfect, just uniformly applied,
    RSR> to be useful.

    RSR> And you should be using libraries, viewers and the like, not
    RSR> attempting to grok it in text.  XML _is_ human-readable, but
    RSR> then so is Perl.  Ostensibly.  Human-readability has been
    RSR> sacrificed, somewhat, to internal rigour.

Yes, parsing XML with some libraries is easy; assuming of course that
it is correct XML.  Now, generating correct XML is not easy at all:

So, if Mr Walsh can't get it right, what chance do you think Mr
Average-Programmer has?

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