[Gllug] Flash and Dreamweaver going to port for Linux

Richard Turner richard at zygous.co.uk
Wed Mar 17 10:40:28 UTC 2004

On Wednesday 17 Mar 2004 10:28 am, Richard Jones wrote:
> As for Dreamweaver and Flash - I write XHTML showing the structure of
> the content and leave it to a graphic designer to write CSS.  This
> separation of roles seems to work very nicely.  Why would anyone want
> to use DW?

I use Dreamweaver at work because Macromedia swallowed Allaire.  I like the 
code editing facilities that are now built into it - ones that were taken 
from Allaire Homesite.  I've never used it in WYSIWYG mode - only out of 
interest to see what it's code is like.

Dreamweaver's code isn't bad these days so it's probably not a bad way for an 
HTML newbie to learn the markup, although the code/style separation thing is 
something DW makes you work hard for.  In many ways I think it's like Word - 
used properly it has all the features of a nice application but unfortunately 
it makes it so much easier to use badly than it does to use it well.


"Racing turtles, the grapefruit is winning..."
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