[Gllug] Blackberry (OT-ish)

Jack Bertram jack at jbertram.net
Mon May 31 09:51:52 UTC 2004

Hi all - apologies for OT-ness but I'm sure there will be a couple of
people on this list with similar problems

I've just been given a blackberry by work to access my corporate email
while I'm out and about.  Obviously it would be great to use it to get
personal email as well.

Normally I access my personal email through a ssh/screen/mutt session as
I find web and graphical clients extremely slow.  Does anyone know of a
free ssh/VT100 emulator for Blackberry?  Failing that, does anyone know
a free IMAP solution to allow pull email from Blackberry (I don't want
personal email pushed to it)

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