[Gllug] Epson Stylus Photo 2100 && Linux?

Benedikt Heinen gllug at ml.icemark.net
Sat Nov 13 14:22:11 UTC 2004

>   Nobody has mentioned colour stability, especially when the result is
> displayed in daylight. One of my friends produced a colour advertising card
> to place in his local newsagents, but there was no red left after a couple
> of weeks.

That's one of the thing that the Stylus Photo should (theoretically) be 
rather good at, as the genuine Epson inks are archival inks, which should 
be fadeproof for decades.

> Colour laser printers have dropped in price, and the price per print is
> relatively low for larger quantities.

That I thought about, too. We have a Minolta Magicolor 2300 at the office, 
and I tried printing a picture on that one, too. The picture looked fine 
even on regular paper - but the printer seems to have problems with 
lighter tones (i.e. the faces of people on the street in a photograph DID 
have eyes and a mouth, but lacked detail in the rest of the face itself, 
which just seemed the same shade of pink. Even on regular paper an inkjet 
printer fares better in that respect  (though, an inkjet on regular paper 
has its very own set of problems, in areas where the laser fared better).


 	ABRUPT, adj.  Sudden, without ceremony, like the arrival of a
 	cannon-shot and the departure of the soldier whose interests
 	are most affected by it.
 			(Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary)

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