[Gllug] Still no decent FTP client for Linux?

Ian Norton bredroll at darkspace.org.uk
Thu Oct 7 15:33:48 UTC 2004

On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 03:05:57AM +0100, Garry Heaton wrote:
> Jan Kokoska wrote:
> > 
> > There is a Linux way of accomplishing what you ask for and that is using
> > a script and CLI FTP client that you refuse to learn. You are missing
> > the essentials of Linux in such case and I really couldn't see a reason
> > for using it then. Oh, maybe that you don't have to pay for the license?
> > Right...
> > 
> > And yes, the above is terribly biased but what do you expect on this
> > list at such hour? ;)
> > 
> > Jan
> > 
> Some of us work/play better at such an hour :-)
> I've been using bash, Emacs and the *nix CLI utilities since I started with
> Linux in the days of RedHat 7 so I'm no stranger to this mode of operation.
> However, some tasks can be done more efficiently from a GUI and FTP is one
> of them. Why is the Dreamweaver tree view so impossible to clone in a Linux
> FTP client? It would appear to be a basic feature but I don't see it
> anywhere is OSS ftp clients. CLI isn't the answer to everything.

I dont think you are enjoying this thread :-)

using nautilus or konqueror as an ftp client will give you a tree on the left
and files on the right, you can just drag and drop like normal. i dont see
what you are getting at? 

having never used dreamweaver (and I hope i never will) i can only imagine that
you get presented with a window of files and folders with a tree ala 'explore'
or 'browse' mode in exploiter or nautilus.

the later versions of gftp are good, but tbh the desktop integrated ones like
the konqueror or nautilus way are alot easier, especially if you use sftp and
ssh-keys with them. (otherwise you might aswell just ftp your password list to
your website)


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