[Gllug] re: outlook problem -> typos -> sticklers

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Wed Sep 1 18:20:42 UTC 2004

On Tue, 31 Aug 2004, t. clarke spake:
>                                     However, one of the wonders of the English
> language

(any human language, actually)

>          is the ability to understand what is said or written despite the
> pronunciation or bad grammar/spelling etc.   If only compilers were as good
> at understanding my 'C' - I could write programs in a fraction of the time
> and not fill up the disc with core dumps !

I just wish GDB had a `fix' command to go with its `break' command. :)

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 plain-text, uncompressed form rather than in spinning, throbbing
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