[Gllug] Mindmapping now available on OSS. Well, supposedly.

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Thu Sep 16 15:47:52 UTC 2004

On Thu, 16 Sep 2004, M. Blackmore said:
> However, this sort of thing does seem to be a love it or hate it
> relationship. I love it.

It might be good if you've got a strong visual memory, but myself
I find mind maps *intensely* confusing: plain text is far easier
for me to follow.

This is definitely a YMMV thing.

`The copyright file is for everyone.  That we make it available in
 plain-text, uncompressed form rather than in spinning, throbbing
 OpenGL-rendered 3D text over a thumping dance music soundtrack is a
 feature, not a bug.' --- Branden Robinson

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