[Gllug] Courses v. online resources

andrew Black andrew-li at black1.org.uk
Tue Apr 12 10:19:05 UTC 2005

charles wrote:

> Steve,
> I can agree with what you have said. However sometimes it is better to be
> taught in a straight line no matter how bad that to go around in keep going
> circles because you don't know where to start.

Both approaches are valid, depending on ones personal style etc.

Speaking as someone who has been round in many circles, usually just 
giving up I would like to give courses a go.

  > I for one would rather go in a straight line than go round and round in
> circles until I got dizzy. Courses no matter how bad at least give you a
> structure to follow.

I wouldn't go quite that far.  A bad course can be quite a demotivator.
However a mediocre course can give you a framework what just reading 
doesn't.  It depends on how good the teacher is - if he is open to 
questions / discussion this can be helpful.

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